New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!
- (WEB) Added a way to add map markers, see the code in unmined.index.html (basic HTML/JS skills needed)
- (GUI) Improved tile cache speed
- Improved chunk loading speed for JE 1.12 and older worlds
- Improved chunk loading speed for JE 1.13 – 1.17
- Improved chunk loading speed for Bedrock
- Improved chunk parsing speed
- Improved style processing speed for blockstates
- Memory usage optimizations for Bedrock
- (GUI) Fixed default slice Y for nether
- (GUI) Fixed crashes
Can you make a tutorial how to add the markers?
You must export the world as a web page and then edit the custom.markers.js file following the instructions in said file. Use NotePad or a code editor and not a document editor like Word