
uNmINeD is an easy to use and fast Minecraft world viewer and mapper tool. It can read Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition world files and renders a browseable 2D overview map that you can export as an image or a web page.

It works on Windows, Linux and macOS.

See downloads, or scroll down for more screenshots, news and release notes.

There is a subreddit for posting beautiful map images, and we have a Discord server.

uNmINeD only displays chunks that are already saved in the game (areas that you have been already explored), because it requires actual block data from the game to render a detailed map. If you are looking for a seed map instead that displays biome and terrain estimation calculated from a world seed for the entire world, you can find a new one at mcseedmap.net.


uNmINeD 0.19.8 on Windows
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Faster downloads

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Several users have reported in recent months that uNmINeD downloads are very slow in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. Here is the solution: unmined.net is now protected and accelerated by Cloudflare‘s global network, resulting in faster page loads and downloads worldwide.

The costs of this are covered by the advertising revenue of mcseedmap.net.

Unmined.net remains ad-free.

It is possible that you will experience problems accessing the site in the next few days due to the transition process.

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uNmINeD 0.19.38-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (CLI) Changed --shadows command line parameter to accept the following values:
    • --shadows=false ⇒ no shadows (default)
    • --shadows=true ⇒ heightmap shadows
    • --shadows=2d ⇒ heightmap shadows
    • --shadows=3d ⇒ 3D raycasting shadows
    • --shadows=3do ⇒ 3D raycasting shadows with opacity
  • (GUI) Fixed slime chunks layer
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to 11.1.0-beta2
  • (GUI) Updated SkiaSharp to 3.0.0-preview.3.1
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uNmINeD 0.19.35-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to 11.0.10
  • (GUI) Added a GUI control to limit CPU usage (located in the upper right corner after opening a world)
  • (CLI) Added --chunkprocessors=x option to limit CPU usage, where x is the number of chunks processed simultaneously. The default value is the number of your CPU threads.

With these settings you can slow down uNmINeD and make it less CPU-hungry, preventing other running apps or games from lagging and overclocked/undercooled CPUs from “melting”.

The number of CPU threads cannot be limited for a .NET application (however, you can use virtual machines or containers to limit the CPU usage of any application). The CPU limiter in uNmINeD only limits the number of chunks that can be processed simultaneously. The actual number of running threads can be higher than this.

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uNmINeD 0.19.32-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added highlighter for inhabited time (Java Edition only)

Inhabited time is the cumulative number of ticks players have been in a chunk. Minecraft uses this for regional difficulty. It can be used for creating a heatmap that shows the most visited chunks.

How to use:

  1. Turn on the highlighter on the right sidebar
  2. Add a highlighter (using the Add button)
  3. Select InhabitedTime as data source
  4. Select ChunkRect as visualization
  5. Adjust the settings to your liking
    • Smallest marker value: markers will be not shown where inhabited time is less than this
    • Largest marker value: largest markers will be shown where inhabited time is equal or greater than this


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uNmINeD 0.19.31-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Fixed 3D + Opacity shadow glitches introduced in 0.19.30
  • (GUI) The status bar now shows the name of the biome under the mouse cursor for the cubiomes layer
  • (GUI) Changed the default seed map Y from 255 to 319
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