Many features have been added this year, like Bedrock support, tile caching, biome and blockstate styles, shadows, virtually infinite zoom, saved map settings and more. uNmINeD has improved a lot, now it supports older Minecraft versions, block styles can be defined using JavaScript, and it works on Linux and macOS thanks to AvaloniaUI. A huge amount of work and sleepless nights were spent on optimization, now it’s incredibly fast and uses low amount of memory.
- Some docs and howtos
- Image/web export improvements
- Custom map markers
- Entities and POIs, villages, mobs, etc.
- Players
- GUI improvements
- Selection tool
- Chunk data view/export
- Block highlighter/finder
- Overlays (biomes, caves, chunk properties, statistics, etc.)
- Rendering blocks using in-game textures
- Better shadows
- Better error handling and reporting
- Source code release of the Minecraft world reading libraries