uNmINeD 0.19.38-dev

New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (CLI) Changed --shadows command line parameter to accept the following values:
    • --shadows=false ⇒ no shadows (default)
    • --shadows=true ⇒ heightmap shadows
    • --shadows=2d ⇒ heightmap shadows
    • --shadows=3d ⇒ 3D raycasting shadows
    • --shadows=3do ⇒ 3D raycasting shadows with opacity
  • (GUI) Fixed slime chunks layer
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to 11.1.0-beta2
  • (GUI) Updated SkiaSharp to 3.0.0-preview.3.1

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Khnud

    Unfortunately, this version crashes every time I try to open a world. Where can I send crash reports?

    1. megasys

      You can send it to [email protected], or use pastebin.com and post the link here or on Disccord.
      Please include Minecraft version and your operating system version.

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