
  • There are two releases for each OS:
    • a larger one without dependencies
    • a smaller one that requires the .NET Runtime installed on your machine
  • Download the package from the downloads page and extract all contents into any empty folder. It’s ready to run.


uNmINeD-cli is a command line application. You have to open a command line prompt and type commands to use it. Choose the GUI version if you are unfamiliar with command line tools.

Creating a single image

To render a single image of your Minecraft world, use the following command:

unmined-cli image render --trim --world="%APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves\New World" --output="%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\MyMap.png"
  • Change the --world parameter to the path of your Minecraft world
  • Change the --output parameter to the output image file name.

The --trim parameter is optional. When used, uNmINeD will trim the sorrounding transparent pixels from the output image.

Note that the size of the rendered image is limited by image formats and available system memory. Rendering large worlds or opening large images can lead to crashes.

Creating a web based map

To create a web based map of your Minecraft world, use the following command:

unmined-cli web render --world="%APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves\New World" --output="%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\MyMap"
  • Change the --world parameter to the path of your Minecraft world.
  • Change the --output parameter to the output folder (should be an empty folder).

Open the generated unmined.index.html file in the output folder to view the map using a web browser. You don’t have to upload it to a web server.

The rendering process can be interrupted by pressing Ctrl+C or closing the window. You can run the same command again to continue an unfinished process, or update a generated map to the current state of your world. This will render changed and new regions only.