uNmINeD 0.12.16-dev (CLI)

The command line version of uNmINeD for Windows/Linux/MacOS has been updated to keep up with the latest GUI version (download).


  • (CLI) Updated to keep up with the latest GUI version
  • (CLI) Updated to .NET Core 3.1

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. oskark

    Hi, I’m getting the following error:

    [11:11:20 INF] () uNmINeD command line interface v0.12.16-dev
    [11:11:20 INF] () Platform: .NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1, 64 bit: True, little endian: True
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World path: /home/oskark/spigot/world
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World name: world
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World version name: 1.15.2
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World version id: 2230
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World data version: 2230
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World size: 559 regions
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World size: 28672 x 25600 blocks
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) World rectangle: r(-45, -40, 56, 50)
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) Rendering rectangle: r(-45, -40, 56, 50)
    [11:11:21 INF] (Web) Output path: /home/oskark/maps/unmin
    [11:11:22 INF] (Web) Generating HTML
    [11:11:22 INF] (Web) Rendering zoom level 0
    [11:11:22 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(6, -78) [1%]
    Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.Flattened.FlattenedChunkExtractor.Load(INbtParser parser)
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.BlockDataSourceRegion.c__DisplayClass17_0.b__0()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.c.b__274_0(Object obj)
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.BlockDataSourceRegion.GetChunk(ChunkPoint chunkPoint, CancellationToken ctsToken)
    at Unmined.Core.Render.Terrain.TerrainRenderer.c__DisplayClass19_1`1.<g__RenderChunk|0>d.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at Unmined.Core.Render.Terrain.TerrainRenderer.Render[TPixel](IBlockDataSourceDimension dataSource, IBlockRegistry blockRegistry, BlockRect blockRect, Memory`1 destPixels, Int32 destStride, Int32 destX, Int32 destY, Int32 zoomLevel, SliceGeneratorOptions sliceGeneratorOptions, CancellationToken ctsToken)
    at Unmined.WebExport.WebMapExport.c__DisplayClass18_1.<g__RenderTile|1>d.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at Unmined.WebExport.WebMapExport.RunAsync(CancellationToken ctsToken, Action`2 progressCallback)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Web.WebRenderer.Run()
    at Unmined.Cmd.Web.WebModule.b__6_0(WebRendererOptions opts)
    at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.MapResult[T1,TResult](ParserResult`1 result, Func`2 parsedFunc1, Func`2 notParsedFunc)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Web.WebModule.Run(String[] args)
    at Unmined.Cmd.ModuleManager.Run(String[] args)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Program.Main(String[] args)
    Aborted (core dumped)

  2. ChriZ


    I can’t generate a web map from another dimension than the overworld!

  3. Lisa

    After I have right clicked the unmined-cli folder and chosen to open Windows PowerShell, it displays PS C:WINDOWS\system32> and not the unmined path as in the documentation screenshot. I have also researched into add new paths for executable and this hasn’t worked either. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? It would be most appreciated.

  4. Kate

    When I try to run this to do a web render on my 1.16.2 world, I get the following (with paths and names redacted):

    C:\[…]\unmined-cli>unmined-cli web render –world=”[…]” –output=”[…]”
    [14:51:36 INF] () uNmINeD command line interface v0.12.16-dev
    [14:51:36 INF] () Platform: .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2, 64 bit: True, little endian: True
    [14:51:37 INF] (Web) World path: […]
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World name: […]
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World version name: 1.16.2
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World version id: 2578
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World data version: 2578
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World size: 126 regions
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World size: 303616 x 305152 blocks
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) World rectangle: r(-6, -9, 593, 596)
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Rendering rectangle: r(-6, -9, 593, 596)
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Output path: […]
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Generating HTML
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Rendering zoom level 0
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(2, -18) [0%]
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(3, -18) [0%]
    [14:51:38 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(2, -17) [1%]
    [14:51:39 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(3, -17) [1%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(4, -18) [1%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(5, -18) [1%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(4, -17) [1%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(5, -17) [2%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(6, -18) [2%]
    [14:51:40 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(7, -18) [2%]
    [14:51:41 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(6, -17) [2%]
    [14:51:41 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(7, -17) [2%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(8, -18) [3%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(9, -18) [3%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(8, -17) [3%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(9, -17) [3%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-6, -16) [3%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-5, -16) [4%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-6, -15) [4%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-5, -15) [4%]
    [14:51:42 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-4, -16) [4%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-3, -16) [4%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-4, -15) [5%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(-3, -15) [5%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(0, -16) [5%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(1, -16) [5%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(0, -15) [5%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(1, -15) [6%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(2, -16) [6%]
    [14:51:43 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(3, -16) [6%]
    [14:51:44 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(2, -15) [6%]
    [14:51:44 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(3, -15) [6%]
    [14:51:45 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(4, -16) [7%]
    [14:51:45 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(5, -16) [7%]
    [14:51:45 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(4, -15) [7%]
    [14:51:45 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(5, -15) [7%]
    [14:51:46 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(6, -16) [7%]
    [14:51:46 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(7, -16) [8%]
    [14:51:47 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(6, -15) [8%]
    [14:51:47 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(7, -15) [8%]
    [14:51:47 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(8, -16) [8%]
    [14:51:48 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(9, -16) [8%]
    [14:51:48 INF] (Web) Rendering tile z0 t(8, -15) [9%]

    Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
    Parameter name: length
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Misc.RangeStream..ctor(Stream baseStream, Int64 offset, Int64 length, Boolean leaveBaseStreamOpen)
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Regions.RegionStream.GetRawStream(ChunkPoint chunkPoint)
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Regions.RegionStream.GetDecompressedStream(ChunkPoint chunkPoint)
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.BlockDataSourceRegion.c__DisplayClass17_0.b__0()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.BlockDataSourceRegion.d__17.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at Unmined.Core.Render.Terrain.TerrainRenderer.c__DisplayClass19_1`1.<g__RenderChunk|0>d.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at Unmined.Core.Render.Terrain.TerrainRenderer.d__19`1.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at Unmined.WebExport.WebMapExport.c__DisplayClass18_1.<g__RenderTile|1>d.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at Unmined.WebExport.WebMapExport.d__18.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Web.WebRenderer.Run()
    at Unmined.Cmd.Web.WebModule.b__6_0(WebRendererOptions opts)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Program.Main(String[] args)

    I figure this is probably because Unmined hasn’t been updated for 1.16 yet, but I just wanted to make sure.


  5. Jim

    Did the world exist prior to 1.16 ? You may need to cause chunks to reload and save to the new format to get it to work. I limited it to only the regions I know have been reloaded in full around original spawn.

    unmined-cli image render –trim –world=world –output=main.png –area=”r(-1,-1,3,3)”

    With a really large world, that is not fun, because you have to revisit the chunks in game, unless someone knows how to force reload/save chunks across all regions?

    Hope that helps.

  6. Tom

    Are there any other cli arguments? I just learned about –area from the above post, presumably some combination of that are the XZ of the two corners?

    Is there an argument to generate a cave map instead of a surface map? How about other dimensions?

  7. Wandering Beekeeper

    Also getting the System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException error, with a 1.16.1 gameworld that was generated new with 1.16.1.

    My scripted command line:
    ./unmined-cli image render –trim –world=”/home/tarliman/.minecraft/saves/Argus
    ” –output=”/home/tarliman/Downloads/Argus.png”

    The resulting error message:
    Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter ‘length’)
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Misc.RangeStream..ctor(Stream baseStream, Int64 offset, Int64 length, Boolean leaveBaseStreamOpen)
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Regions.RegionStream.GetRawStream(ChunkPoint chunkPoint)
    at Unmined.Minecraft.Regions.RegionStream.GetDecompressedStream(ChunkPoint chunkPoint)
    at Unmined.Level.DataSources.BlockDataSourceRegion.c__DisplayClass17_0.b__0()
    at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
    — End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —

    1. megasys

      Please send me your world for debugging (upload it to mediafire.com or another large file sharing service, and post the download link here or send it by email to megasys at unmined.net)

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