uNmINeD 0.13.3-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Adjusted map colors
  • Added more style to nether
  • Added dimension dependent styles
  • Boosted chunk loading performance (+30% overall speed)
  • Improved disk I/O
  • (GUI) Added block tag debug info
Minecraft 1.17 snapshot world mapped in uNmINeD 0.13.3
Old nether style in uNmINeD 0.13.2
New nether style with more deails in uNmINeD 0.13.3
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uNmINeD 0.13.2-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added support for pre-1.13 worlds (Anvil chunk format, from 1.2)
  • Added Forge block number loaders for Anvil worlds
  • Added basic support for modded blocks like BiomesOPlenty

uNmINeD now can read partially migrated worlds with both Anvil and flattened chunks.

uNmINeD 1.13.2 with Minecraft 1.7.0 and BiomesOPlenty
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uNmINeD 0.13.1-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Changed map style
    • fixed low contrast
    • added saturation
    • added flowers
    • added ores
    • changed path style
  • Changed block configuration file (removed blocktags.minecraft.json, see tags.default.js)
  • Improved support for modded worlds
  • Improved performance
  • Fixed memory management
  • Fixed chunk loader bugs
  • Fixed style engine bugs
  • (CLI) Spaces are now valid in the --area="r(x, z, w, h)" parameter

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uNmINeD 0.12.24-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added block filter
  • (GUI) Added unknown block handling
  • (GUI) Fixed crashes and minor bugs
  • (CLI) Added zoom parameter to image export
  • (CLI) Added dimension, topY, bottomY and gndxray parameters
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uNmINeD 0.12.22-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!

From now the cross platform Avalonia GUI is the recommended release. The windows only WPF GUI is discontinued.


  • (GUI) Ported features from WPF:
    • web export
    • image export
    • world info
  • (GUI) Added zoom and trim to image export
  • (GUI) Fixed bugs and crashes
  • Code cleanup
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uNmINeD is an easy to use and fast Minecraft world viewer and mapper tool. It can read Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition world files and renders a browseable 2D overview map that you can export as an image or a web page.

It works on Windows, Linux and macOS.

See downloads, or scroll down for more screenshots, news and release notes.

There is a subreddit for posting beautiful map images, and we have a Discord server.

uNmINeD only displays chunks that are already saved in the game (areas that you have been already explored), because it requires actual block data from the game to render a detailed map. If you are looking for a seed map instead that displays biome and terrain estimation calculated from a world seed for the entire world, you can find a new one at mcseedmap.net.


uNmINeD 0.19.8 on Windows
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uNmINeD 0.12.21-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!

Changes in the cross platform Avalonia GUI:

  • (AV GUI) Made available for Windows 10
  • (AV GUI) Ported features from WPF:
    • map scrollbars
    • toggle grid
    • toggle always on top
    • scroll back to content
  • (AV GUI) Increased zoom range from 1:4 – 16:1 to 1:8 – 32:1
  • (AV GUI) Added light/dark theme
  • (AV GUI) Fixed map tile alignment glitches on high DPI displays
  • (AV GUI) Fixed huge memory leaks

uNmINeD 0.12.21-dev Avalonia on Windows 10 with dark theme
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