uNmINeD 0.18.19

New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed crash “Cannot find an event named Tapped on type StackPanel”
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to 11.0.0-preview5
  • (GUI) Dark theme is temporarily disabled due to breaking changes in Avalonia

Due to various issues, this release was built without assembly trimming, resulting in larger executable file size and larger downloads. I will switch trimming back on when the issues are resolved.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Victoare

    I have an issue (i had it with 0.18.16 as well) with the CLI (I can open the map with the GUI without any problems)

    [12:49:54 INF] (main) uNmINeD command line interface v0.18.19-dev
    [12:49:54 INF] (main) Platform: win10-x64 (.NET 6.0.10) on Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045
    [12:49:54 INF] (main) Architecture: X64, threads: 8, 64 bit: True
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World path: mc\data\world
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Dimension: minecraft:overworld
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Dimension loaded: minecraft:overworld
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World name: mc/world
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World seed: 9220841208498838671
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World type: Java
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World version name: 1.16.5
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World version id: 2586
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World data version: 2586
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World rectangle: rr(-28; -23; 47 x 47), 24064 x 24064 blocks
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) World regions: 415
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Selected rectangle: none (entire world)
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Selected regions: 415
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Output file name: .\OverWorld_day.png
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Output file format: PNG
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Zoom level: 1
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Output image size: 48128 x 48128 pixels
    [12:49:54 INF] (Image) Required memory: 675.282944 MB

    [12:49:54 INF] (WorkspaceMap) Loading biome tints from “custom.biometints.txt”
    [12:49:54 INF] (WorkspaceMap) 1 biome tints
    Unhandled exception. System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
    at Unmined.WebExport.ImageMapExport.RunAsync(CancellationToken ctsToken, IProgressHandler progressHandler)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Image.ImageRenderer.RunAsync()
    at Unmined.Cmd.Image.ImageModule.c__DisplayClass8_1.<b__3>d.MoveNext()
    — End of stack trace from previous location —
    at Unmined.Cmd.Image.ImageModule.RunAsync(String[] args)
    at Unmined.Cmd.ModuleManager.RunAsync(String[] args)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Program.Main(String[] args)
    at Unmined.Cmd.Program.(String[] args)

    Checked th Event viewer, but cannot find more specific information.
    How can I provide more information?

    1. megasys

      The result image may be too large (48k x 48k pixels).
      Does it work with higher zoom out levels? (e.g. –zoom=-2)

  2. Delvin4519

    Bedrock Edition worlds still don’t show red sand correctly.

  3. trost

    I tried to open bedrock world. The first time it worked, but in the second, the endless loading of the world began.

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