uNmINeD 0.19.39-dev

New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed crash when using the Cubiomes layer with Minecraft 1.21

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Mark

    Seems like only .38 is available for download?

    1. megasys

      Hello, this is most likely a caching problem. I changed some Cloudflare settings to make it work better. Please try again, and if it not works, try again 1-2 hours later (clearing your browser cache or using incognito mode may help it work sooner).

  2. JVMTN

    why my grass become purple in map ? they are not green anymore

    1. GTA and Apple channel

      Because The New Grass ID is having a different colour (Unknown ID Colours)

      1. JVMTN

        so how can i make it green again? can i change the id colour?

        1. GTA and Apple channel

          You can change the Unknown Block ID to Grass Texture in the Render Setting, At The Bottom of that page.

  3. GTA and Apple channel

    It Work again

  4. Fmohican

    Thanks for awesome tool

  5. Fikret

    Player direction circle on map is not working in 0.19.39-dev

  6. Ed Nelson

    Just one question, I downloaded it, opened it, decided not to use it, and deleted the download. However, it keeps trying to open every 5 to 10 minutes by itself, how can I stop this? Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. megasys

      That’s weird. Unmined cannot open itself, there is a problem with something else on your machine.
      What OS do you have? Windows/Linux/Mac?
      Try to reboot your machine. I would check the installed browser extensions for any suspicious ones, and run a full system scan for malware.

  7. Ed Nelson


  8. Ed Nelson

    Disregard the trouble was with one of my widgets.

  9. Ryan

    The app crashes whenever I try opening a world’s map in it …

    1. Ryan

      Never mind, it was because I downloaded the 32-bit X86 so I tried the 64-bit X86 and it worked

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