uNmINeD 0.19.43-dev

New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Fixed filter glitches

This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. GTA and Apple channel

    New Glitch : Unable to Run (Failed To Run From exe file on Windows 11 x86 64 bits)

    1. GTA and Apple channel

      Here is the Hardware infos :
      Processor AMD Ryzen 5 7520U with Radeon Graphics 2.80 GHz
      Installed RAM 8.00 GB (5.74 GB usable)
      System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
      Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

    2. megasys

      It works for me. Are you sure you have downloaded the correct version for your machine (the 64bit version and not the ARM64?) Are there any error messages? Did the app create a crashlog.txt file?

      1. GTA and Apple Channel

        For the crashing then it’s not even run, not to say crash.
        It has to run for it to crash and it don’t even do that (I press the exe file and nothing happened besides the mouse cursor loading animations then no)

        I even tried to download the 32 bits version and it’s still not working (the older versions still working for me though so this has to be the latest version problems, that version that I’m still using is 0.19.41)

        1. megasys

          I think it starts, but crashes silently before the main window appears. It usually generates a file named “unmined.crashlog.txt” next to unmined.exe on crash. Do you have an “unmined.crashlog.txt” file? This file should contain an error message to help identify the problem.

          Early crashes like this are usually caused by missing DLL files. Please make sure you extract the whole ZIP package and not just unmined.exe.

          1. GTA and Apple channel

            forgot to mention something for you that when i tried to force run then either “host proccess for windows” or “taskhostw.exe” pop up in task manager for around a second or so (it didn’t popup as a windows though)

            1. megasys

              That’s weird.

              That popup taskhostw.exe process looks like malware. I have seen malware that blocked some programs from executing because of a bug or a missing feature in their own infection algorithm. Look at the path of the taskhostw.exe that starts, if it differs from the original (c:\Windows\System32\taskhostw.exe), you probably have a malware.

              Antivirus software can also block unmined from running.

              You can check the integrity of your unmined.exe copy using the following sha256 hash:

              unmined.exe (0.19.43, win64)
              Size: 41188370 bytes
              SHA256 hash: d88d64fe7abb2e249b3e28b75b295168364362bbc386366bbf27045ac335bf21

              How to check:
              – open https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha256_checksum.html
              – drag and drop your unmined.exe there
              – if the output matches the SHA256 hash above, then your copy is original and intact

              1. GTA and Apple channel

                here is its hash : d88d64fe7abb2e249b3e28b75b295168364362bbc386366bbf27045ac335bf21
                it’s a match
                here is the website where i got it from : https://unmined.net/downloads/ (it’s your website so i did expect it to be the same here)
                size : 39.2 MB (41,189,376 bytes) (size on disk) or 39.2 MB (41,188,370 bytes)

                i got no issue with the 0.19.41 or any before it, i only have issue with the latest 0.19.43

                for the task manager thing then after slowing down the footage (screen recording) then i noticed that “taskhostw.exe” pop up then “Host Process for Windows Task”

                it take around 2,7 MB in RAM (taskhostw.exe)
                same for “Host Process for Windows Task”

                both took around a second before just disappear

      2. GTA and Apple channel

        I even tried to forces run it using task manager (The “Run new task” button), but it won’t even run

        here is the Version that i tried to run :
        uNmINeD GUI (Windows 64bit)
        0.19.43 (zip, 40.32 MB)
        uNmINeD GUI (Windows 32bit)
        0.19.43 (zip, 36.33 MB)

  2. GTA and Apple Channel

    yes. I download the version with the name x86 64 not arms64.

  3. GTA and Apple Channel

    If I tell you that the eailer version works, it should be enough to suggest to you that I know what I’m doing and it aren’t working.
    That’s why I ask you (you’re the developer and all)

    But ok, I will compare it to the version that’s still working anyway

    It doesn’t seem to be missing any (at least compared to Version 0.19.41) which includes:

    According to windows 11 property then besides the file sizes then there’s basically no difference in files number in the one that’s working and the ones that’s not (34 files, 7 folders)
    0.19.41 (working) 55.7 MB (Size on disk)
    0.19.43 (not working) 55.5 MB (Size on dish)

    It’s obviously not a zip file (I extract it)

    And the crash logs then it don’t exist (as I said it has to run for it to crash and I tried to find it anyway, but it don’t exist according to Microsoft default file explorer)

  4. mymymy

    Im wondering why i chose “include players”option in export module and that in web map,there’s no players marks.

  5. Sebubble

    Hey i really love this app, i just wanted to ask if there are any plans for a “planning mode ” so have an overlay where you can preplace blocks or something. I would also like to have some cartography tools, like measuring range and a render distance circle so i can check the viewing distance from any point easily without loading in

  6. James

    Anything special we need to do to get crash logs?

    I’m having crashing issues when viewing a world with the latest version (works with 0.19.39, last version I was running).

  7. megasys

    a crash log file named unmined.crashlog.txt should be generated on crash (in the same folder as unmined.exe)

  8. breT

    After upgrading versions I’m getting some chunk errors when I’m running my cli render command:

    [16:00:11] [IO-Worker-77/INFO]: Saved details to debug/chunk-world-2024-10-14_16.00.11-server.txt
    [16:00:11] [IO-Worker-86/ERROR]: Failed to store chunk [34, -14]
    java.io.IOException: Permission denied

    1. bret

      running save-off + save-all then save-on fixed this issue for me

    2. megasys

      What Minecraft version and OS do you have? Can you send me that debug file?

      1. breT

        Debian 12, MC 1.21.1 and latest Unmined version.
        Debug uploaded to https://pastebin.com/jxk2JGyt

  9. blink7

    Are there plans to add AVIF support to the web rendering type?🙏

    1. megasys

      I will give it a try using https://github.com/0xC0000054/libheif-sharp

  10. tinyjob

    Any plans to add support for pale garden biome?

    1. megasys

      Yes, an update with support for pale garden will be released in a few days

  11. Secsa

    How to run unmined-cli?
    I have executed the command and followed the intended command, but I cannot open the world. “Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Cannot open world”

    1. megasys

      example command line:
      unmined-cli web render --world="%APPDATA%\.minecraft\saves\New World" --output="%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\MyMap"

  12. Omen

    Can i set the color in “custom.blockstyles.txt” to blocks from carpenter’s blocks mod?

    1. megasys

      Yes, you can.
      If you want, you can also create a new file, like “carpenters.blockstyles.txt”. Unmined loads all config files named *.blockstyles.txt.

      1. Omen

        as I understand it is possible to make a color for any block from a mod that has a metadata, but when I copy a block from unmined by “Copy block name with state” I get something like this:

        can you write an example of how the line should look like for assigning a color to a block from a mod?

        1. megasys

          I tried it now and I see the problem. Unfortunately, this is currently not possible in uNmINeD. The block metadata for a carpenter’s block is stored as a tile entity (also called a block entity), just like the contents of a chest. It is in NBT format and is quite complex. At first glance, I don’t have much idea how to color carpenter’s blocks based on tile entity metadata in a way that is configurable and works at an acceptable speed, but I’ll think about it.

          1. Omen

            Okay, thx

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