uNmINeD 0.17.1 – Biomes
New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!
- Added biome based styles (can be turned off)
- Added styles for savanna, taiga and swamp biomes
- Added biome support for 1.12 and older Java worlds
- Added biome support for Bedrock (including the new 3D biomes in 1.18)
- Added/fixed coarse dirt, podzol, Bedrock planks and some other block styles
- Added different color for spruce and birch leaves
- Improved shadow rendering speed
- Improved Bedrock chunk scanning speed
- Added features to handle JE/BE block name differences
- Fixed Bedrock grass plant and grass block styles
- Fixed Bedrock chunk load errors
- (CLI) Added
parameter to load map settings from file (see the includedmapsettings-example.json
for example).