What’s next
Bedrock status #3
Today is the day of the first successful Bedrock rendering. It seems that Bedrock saves much less chunks to disk than Java Edition as you explore. Perhaps it only saves chunks that have changed since generation from seed.
The Bedrock chunk loader needs some optimization because it is now 100x slower than the Java one.

Bedrock status
This is the very first render of a Minecraft Bedrock world that shows a successful data extraction from LevelDB files (without the need for a LevelDB library). The darker areas show where the chunks are. The next thing will be to decode the chunk data and feed it into the rendering engine. I am very excited about what it will look like.

Roadmap update
What to expect in the upcoming releases:
- Tile caching instead of re-rendering map tiles every time (highest priority)
- Load/save map settings
- GUI improvements (slicer toolbar, selection tool)
- Markers (spawn, players, villages, etc.)
- Block highlighter/finder
- Overlays (biomes, caves, chunk properties, statistics, etc.)
- Biome based coloring
- Rendering blocks using in-game textures
- Shadows
- Support for Bedrock Edition saves
- Source code release of Minecraft world handling libraries
Requests are welcome.
I have purchased Minecraft for Windows 10 / Bedrock Edition too see what can I do 🙂 Huge mountains in beta are awesome. Can’t wait to see them in uNmINeD.
[WIP] Selection and overlays
I’m working on a selection tool to make image export easier and to support other upcoming features:

The new rendering workflow makes possible to implement various overlays based on any chunk information like data version, status, last update, inhabited time, entities, or the amount of a given block type.
This is a heat map showing inhabited time (how long the players have been in the area):

Moving to Avalonia
Avalonia works great. I am going to leave WPF and port the entire GUI to Avalonia, so Linux and macOS will also have a full featured uNmINeD GUI. This will also make the GUI development easier, faster, and more fun.
GUI on Linux and macOS
I tried to port uNmINeD from the Windows-only WPF to Avalonia, a cross platform GUI framework for .NET.
The first quick attempt went relatively easy. There were some minor issues, and now it works on Windows, Linux, and presumably on macOS as well.
You can download it here.
Please let me know if it works on macOS!