uNmINeD 0.17.6 – WebP, OpenLayers

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added WebP image format
  • Changed LeafletJS web map viewer to OpenLayers – no more blurry images on high DPI displays!
  • Fixed web map generation hangs at 99%
  • Memory usage and task scheduling optimizations
  • Changed tile metadata format
  • Added metadata caching to web map tile serializer
  • (GUI) Added metadata caching to tile image cache

See the image quality of WebP and the OpenLayers web map viewer in action: new Minecraft 1.18 example map!

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uNmINeD 0.17.5 – Blockstates, Bedrock, 1.12

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added support for blockstate dependent styles
  • Improved BE support
    • Added styles for colored blocks (wool, carpet, terracotta, etc.)
    • Added styles for spruce and birch leaves
    • Added styles for mesa biomes
  • Improved support for JE 1.12 and older worlds
    • Added support for colored blocks, spruce/birch leaves, flowers, redsand, podzol and other blockdata dependent stuff
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uNmINeD 0.17.4 – Hotfix

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed a bug introduced in 0.17.3 that caused the file %AppData%\uNmINeD\guisettings.json to grow exponentially on every startup up to a point where uNmINeD could not start because it ran out of memory.
  • (CLI) Fixed console output colors on Windows 7

This version fixes guisettings.json on startup. Please update if you use 0.17.3.

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uNmINeD 0.17.3

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added ocean and badlands biome styles
  • Added color for dripstones
  • Changed ice color
  • Fine tuned some other block colors
  • Reduced application size
  • (GUI) Added map background settings
  • (GUI) Added confirmation dialog before opening survival worlds
  • (GUI) Added setting to show inhabited chunks only
  • (GUI) Sharpened zoom-out images
  • (GUI) Moved coordinates and block/biome info to bottom
  • (GUI) Fixed copy location as /tp below y=0
  • (GUI) Fixed random missing zoom-out tiles


Minecraft JE 1.18 world in uNmINeD 0.17.3 with ocean biome styles turned on
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uNmINeD 0.17.2

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added support for int32 section Ys (this fixes “System.InvalidOperationException: Operation ReadSByte is not supported on tag type Int” when loading chunks)
  • Fixed “System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” when generating web maps
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uNmINeD 0.17.1 – Biomes

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added biome based styles (can be turned off)
  • Added styles for savanna, taiga and swamp biomes
  • Added biome support for 1.12 and older Java worlds
  • Added biome support for Bedrock (including the new 3D biomes in 1.18)
  • Added/fixed coarse dirt, podzol, Bedrock planks and some other block styles
  • Added different color for spruce and birch leaves
  • Improved shadow rendering speed
  • Improved Bedrock chunk scanning speed
  • Added features to handle JE/BE block name differences
  • Fixed Bedrock grass plant and grass block styles
  • Fixed Bedrock chunk load errors
  • (CLI) Added --mapsettings="mapsettingsfile.json" parameter to load map settings from file (see the included mapsettings-example.json for example).
Minecraft 1.18 Java world in uNmINeD with biome styles
Minecraft 1.18 Java world in uNmINeD with biome styles
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uNmINeD 0.16.3 – World height

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added altitude settings to make amplified worlds and various world heights look better
  • Changed tree log color from green to brown to make buildings with log roofs more visible
  • Fixed seagrass and kelp keep appearing when using the slicer
  • Fixed grass blocks in 1.12 and older worlds were loaded as grass instead of grass_block
  • (CLI) Changed the (x2,z2) point of the --area=r((x1,z1),(x2,z2)) parameter to inclusive
  • (CLI) Fixed --imageformat does not work with lowercase values
  • Reworked internals to handle waterlogged blocks and block states better
  • Reworked gradient and curve generators to handle custom world heights and MC 1.18 better

There are various mountain heights across Minecraft versions and custom/modded world types. Using the altitude settings the elevation gradient and other map style elements can be adjusted to match the actual height of the mountains and the actual sea level. uNmINeD determines the default settings based on world version.

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uNmINeD 0.16.2

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added an Apple M1 build (CLI & GUI)
  • (GUI) The green-brown elevation gradient now can be turned off
  • Adjusted block colors: red sand, end stone, purpur, chorus plant
  • Minor fixes

A Minecraft JE 1.18 world with the Terralith datapack:

Minecraft 1.18 + Terralith 2.0 in uNmINeD

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uNmINeD 0.16.1 – Cache & Zoom

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added transient tile image cache (no more re-rendering after zooming/scrolling!)
  • (GUI) Increased max zoom-in level from 32:1 to 128:1
  • (GUI) Increased max zoom-out level from 1:8 to 1:262144
  • (GUI) Added region rendering mode at higher zoom-out levels (one pixel / region)
  • Optimized packed array decoders for JE chunks (more speed!)
  • (GUI) Added optimized chunk processing scheduler (huge drop in memory usage!)
  • (GUI) Added “Open world” button
  • (GUI) Reworked map control and other things under the hood
  • (GUI) Fixed map item alignment glitches on high DPI displays
  • (GUI) Fixed random missing tiles (again)
  • (GUI) Fixed a ton of crashes, memory leaks and glitches
  • Fixed support for old anvil worlds with modded block numbers greater than 255

The tile image cache is stored in the default temp folder, and gets cleared on exit.

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