uNmINeD 0.19.1-dev

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added a dimension selector
  • (GUI) Lot of minor changes
  • (GUI) Lot of fixes
  • (GUI) Lot of code cleaning
  • (GUI) Moved to Avalonia 11-RC1.1
  • (GUI) Refactored legacy code to use nullable reference types
  • Moved to .NET 7.0
  • Managed to get .NET 7.0 assembly trimming to work (this was hard)
  • Added a more accurate shadow rendering mode (slow, to be optimized)
  • JS stylesheet API breaking changes
  • Improved default stylesheet for Bedrock

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uNmINeD 0.18.28

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added tagging for blockstates. This makes tag based styling possible for Bedrock where blockstates often have different styles.
  • Added a new parser for evaluating block and biome expressions (can be used with filters, highlighters, tags and styles)
  • Added blockstate support to filters
  • Added blockstate support to highlighters
  • Added support for rgb(r, g, b) color format where r, g and b are 0-255
  • Fixed negative coordinate related issues on systems with incompatible integer format settings

The new expression parser and evaluator supports not only blockstates but complex expressions with and/or/xor/not logical operators and parenthesis. It is also compatible with the previous format.

Example expressions:

  • block name: dirt
  • with namespace: minecraft:dirt
  • wildcards: *:*_leaves
  • blockstate properties: sand[sand_type:red]
  • logical NOT (exclamation mark): !sand
  • logical OR (comma): *_leaves, *_log
  • logical AND (space): *_slab smooth_*
  • logical XOR (caret): *_slab ^ smooth_*
  • parenthesis: !(acacia_leaves, oak_leaves) ([distance:3], [distance:5])

Operator precedence from highest to lowest: NOT, AND, XOR, OR.

Note: commas between blockstate properties are not considered OR operators, but list separators: leaves[old_leaf_type:oak,persistent_bit:0]

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uNmINeD 0.18.26

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added automatic loading of player names from local Minecraft JE installation (usercache.json)
  • (GUI) Improved Bedrock world loading
  • (GUI) Improved player list loading performance, markers are now visible while still loading
  • (GUI) Improved support for large amount of players (tested on a JE world with 30k+ players)
  • (GUI) Improved startup performance when there are large number of registered folders/worlds or slower drives
  • (GUI) Minor UI improvements
  • Fixed handling of weird LevelDB keys in some Bedrock worlds (caused world loading to hang)

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.25

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (WEB) Added initial support for player markers on the web map
  • (WEB) Improved marker styling options
  • (GUI) Added ore filter
  • (GUI) Improved player list
  • (CLI) Fixed missing support for GZip chunk compression
  • (CLI) Fixed boolean command line argument handling

How to export player markers to the web map:

  • GUI: use the Players checkbox on the export panel
  • CLI: use the --players command line argument

⚠️This version only exports named players (see config/playernames.txt for naming players).

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.24

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added Locate player command to the context menu of player list
  • (GUI) Fixed missing names on player markers when using MsaId
  • (GUI) Fixed clumsy double click handling in the browser tree
  • (GUI) Fixed clear button in editboxes
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to nightly build 11.0.999-cibuild0031642-beta
  • (GUI) Replaced MessageBox.Avalonia with DialogHost.Avalonia due to dependency issues
  • (GUI) Replaced modal dialog boxes with overlays

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.22

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed browser items sorting
  • (GUI) Fixed assembly trimming related crashes (“Cannot find an event named Tapped on type StackPanel”)
  • (GUI) Minor fixes
  • Updated ImageSharp to 3.0.0
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uNmINeD 0.18.21

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added MsaId to player info
  • Added cherry blocks
  • Added support for MsaId in playernames.txt
  • (GUI) Fixed DockPanelSplitter alignment issues
  • Fixed assembly trimming (smaller executable files)
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uNmINeD 0.18.20

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added config/playernames.txt for manually assigning player names to IDs
  • (GUI) Added player names to markers, loaded from config/playernames.txt (player markers with names will be included in web exports in upcoming releases)
  • (GUI) Fixed dark mode
  • (GUI) Fixed confirmation message boxes (registered folders could not be removed)
  • Fixed freezing while opening Bedrock worlds
  • Fixed red sand color for Bedrock

Due to various issues, this release was built without assembly trimming, resulting in larger executable file size and larger downloads. I will switch trimming back on when the issues are resolved.

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