uNmINeD 0.18.28

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added tagging for blockstates. This makes tag based styling possible for Bedrock where blockstates often have different styles.
  • Added a new parser for evaluating block and biome expressions (can be used with filters, highlighters, tags and styles)
  • Added blockstate support to filters
  • Added blockstate support to highlighters
  • Added support for rgb(r, g, b) color format where r, g and b are 0-255
  • Fixed negative coordinate related issues on systems with incompatible integer format settings

The new expression parser and evaluator supports not only blockstates but complex expressions with and/or/xor/not logical operators and parenthesis. It is also compatible with the previous format.

Example expressions:

  • block name: dirt
  • with namespace: minecraft:dirt
  • wildcards: *:*_leaves
  • blockstate properties: sand[sand_type:red]
  • logical NOT (exclamation mark): !sand
  • logical OR (comma): *_leaves, *_log
  • logical AND (space): *_slab smooth_*
  • logical XOR (caret): *_slab ^ smooth_*
  • parenthesis: !(acacia_leaves, oak_leaves) ([distance:3], [distance:5])

Operator precedence from highest to lowest: NOT, AND, XOR, OR.

Note: commas between blockstate properties are not considered OR operators, but list separators: leaves[old_leaf_type:oak,persistent_bit:0]

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uNmINeD 0.18.26

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added automatic loading of player names from local Minecraft JE installation (usercache.json)
  • (GUI) Improved Bedrock world loading
  • (GUI) Improved player list loading performance, markers are now visible while still loading
  • (GUI) Improved support for large amount of players (tested on a JE world with 30k+ players)
  • (GUI) Improved startup performance when there are large number of registered folders/worlds or slower drives
  • (GUI) Minor UI improvements
  • Fixed handling of weird LevelDB keys in some Bedrock worlds (caused world loading to hang)

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.25

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (WEB) Added initial support for player markers on the web map
  • (WEB) Improved marker styling options
  • (GUI) Added ore filter
  • (GUI) Improved player list
  • (CLI) Fixed missing support for GZip chunk compression
  • (CLI) Fixed boolean command line argument handling

How to export player markers to the web map:

  • GUI: use the Players checkbox on the export panel
  • CLI: use the --players command line argument

⚠️This version only exports named players (see config/playernames.txt for naming players).

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.24

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added Locate player command to the context menu of player list
  • (GUI) Fixed missing names on player markers when using MsaId
  • (GUI) Fixed clumsy double click handling in the browser tree
  • (GUI) Fixed clear button in editboxes
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to nightly build 11.0.999-cibuild0031642-beta
  • (GUI) Replaced MessageBox.Avalonia with DialogHost.Avalonia due to dependency issues
  • (GUI) Replaced modal dialog boxes with overlays

The player list and markers are still under development.

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uNmINeD 0.18.22

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed browser items sorting
  • (GUI) Fixed assembly trimming related crashes (“Cannot find an event named Tapped on type StackPanel”)
  • (GUI) Minor fixes
  • Updated ImageSharp to 3.0.0
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uNmINeD 0.18.21

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Added MsaId to player info
  • Added cherry blocks
  • Added support for MsaId in playernames.txt
  • (GUI) Fixed DockPanelSplitter alignment issues
  • Fixed assembly trimming (smaller executable files)
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uNmINeD 0.18.20

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • Added config/playernames.txt for manually assigning player names to IDs
  • (GUI) Added player names to markers, loaded from config/playernames.txt (player markers with names will be included in web exports in upcoming releases)
  • (GUI) Fixed dark mode
  • (GUI) Fixed confirmation message boxes (registered folders could not be removed)
  • Fixed freezing while opening Bedrock worlds
  • Fixed red sand color for Bedrock

Due to various issues, this release was built without assembly trimming, resulting in larger executable file size and larger downloads. I will switch trimming back on when the issues are resolved.

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uNmINeD 0.18.19

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New uNmINeD development snapshot is available for download!


  • (GUI) Fixed crash “Cannot find an event named Tapped on type StackPanel”
  • (GUI) Updated Avalonia to 11.0.0-preview5
  • (GUI) Dark theme is temporarily disabled due to breaking changes in Avalonia

Due to various issues, this release was built without assembly trimming, resulting in larger executable file size and larger downloads. I will switch trimming back on when the issues are resolved.

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